12 Marketing Campaign Ideas for International Women’s Day

12 Marketing Campaign Ideas for International Women’s Day

12 Marketing Campaign Ideas for International Women’s Day How can my e-commerce store be profitable while also having a positive social impact? It’s a question that a lot of businesses are consistently facing and finding that the solution is both sustainable and beneficial not only from a promotional perspective, but also for driving change. International …

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Secure Customer Authentication PSD2

Strong Customer Authentication: Is Your E-commerce Store Prepared?

The impact of Strong Customer Authentication on your e-commerce By the coming September, a new regulation about Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) for online payments is about to be implemented in the European Economic Area (EEA), which will include the UK. This is what’s being known as the second Payment Services Directive (PSD2).  “The Financial Conduct …

More →Strong Customer Authentication: Is Your E-commerce Store Prepared?