Ways to convert website anonymous visitors
into customers

Almost 98% of the visitors to your e-commerce website are anonymous. You don’t have their contact details, and you have almost no information on them at all.
“How do you make sure that your brand can turn anonymous visitors into loyal, returning customers?”

Table of Contents

That all begins with data!

1. Capture the Data

By using first party information and supplementing it with second- and third-party data, you’ll be able to develop user profiles that will give you the power to customize every single interaction, for each and every visit to your site. Greeting your first-time visitors with the welcoming on-site message and personalized offer will motivate them to subscribe to your newsletter.

welcome offer pop-up

2. Optimise the Landing Page

You’ve probably heard the phrase “set yourself up for success”. This is true for the very core of the landing pages. Ensure that conversion rate is high on your list of priorities by making your pages clear, intuitive and focused.
  • Use the appropriate headlines to answer user questions and speak to their needs.
  • Make your content interesting and keep users engaged.
  • Ensure it’s easy to navigate and flows well without being confusing.
conversion optimization

3. Don’t Bombard the User

Many people run ad blockers on the internet today, those that don’t will quickly look to close the most annoying popups. If you do use popups, make sure that they are directed towards the user in a unique and powerful way. Free coupons created “just for you”, can sometimes give you bigger returns than “claim a coupon now”.

website popups

4. Split Testing

Compare even the smallest of details when trying to optimise your page. Split test different images, different bullet points and different headings. Certain emotive words can feel more inviting and thus more likely to have users click to experience what you’re offering. Look at these two ad headings and decide which you would use:
  • Enjoy a free coupon today.
  • Claim a free coupon today.
The emotive language of enjoy is already intrinsically applied to the sentence. Claim sounds like it’s work to physically “claim” something and could entail a bit of a process.
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landing page a/b testing

5. Promotions

Work promotions into your business model by offering your clients the right type of promotions after you’ve captured some of their data. Giving them a coupon through Facebook, allowing you to see the interests and thus, crafting a valuable promotion, can make or break a customer relationship
summer seasonal campaigns

6. Using Vital Information

Grow your email database and capture data whenever you can. The more non-invasive information you can garner, the better the customer’s journey will be. When you understand your customer, you’ll understand their needs.

If you want to be able to focus on sales conversions, you’ll need to delve deeper into the lives of your customers to be able to identify them. Knowing who they are, what their habits are and what kind of information they want to consume will give you the opportunity to provide personalisation and develop a long-lasting and memorable purchase journey throughout the entire experience.

Socital will take the gender, age, location, interests and brand affiliations into account, presenting that information to you as an e-commerce marketer, and give you the chance to make the right decisions for the users visiting your site.

Not only will you be able to convert visitors into customers, but you can grow your email database, monitors on-site behaviour and purchases and also eventually increase cart value based on need and want.

Email recommendations

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