Report on Black Friday and Cyber Monday onsite marketing campaigns

Report on Black Friday and Cyber Monday onsite marketing campaigns

Marketing Ideas for Black Friday
lead acquisition during BF_example


(Date range 01/11/2019 – 04/12/2019)


(Date range 01/11/2019 – 04/12/2019)
retailers 1/5

1 in 4 online retailers

run more than 6 onsite campaigns
Average Conversion Rate
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A. Lead acquisition campaigns

grow email list

A. Lead acquisition campaigns

grow email list

Lead acquisition
compared to a regular period

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the absolute best occasions to grow your email list.
For Socital clients, lead acquisition was increased by 180% compared to a regular period!

Use our ready-made templates to launch lead acquisition campaigns in minutes.

Lead acquisition campaigns

A.1 Before black friday & cyber monday

Lead acquisition campaigns

A.1 Before black friday & cyber monday

sign-up for Black Friday deals popup

a. Popups

Launch BFCM pre-sign up welcome or exit popups on your online store as early as beginning of November.

3 in 5 online retailers run BFCM pre-sign up campaigns with welcome or exit popups

sign-up for Black Friday deals popup

Tip Show pre-sign up popups to new visitors or returning visitors who haven’t subscribed to your newsletter.

b. Landing pages

Create a dedicated BFCM landing page to redirect traffic from your email and social media campaigns.

Only 1 in 10 online retailers created a dedicated BFCM landing page with an average 3.66% conversion rate.

landing page

Tip Capture organic traffic with a SEO-friendly landing page for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Target new visitors or returning visitors who haven’t subscribed to your newsletter.

Lead acquisition campaigns

A.2 On Black Friday & Cyber Monday

Lead acquisition campaigns

A.2 On Black Friday & Cyber Monday

lead acquisition during BF_example
On Black Friday and Cyber Monday you will get most of the seasonal traffic.
Make sure to have newsletter subscription popups to acquire subscribers, even if they don’t make a purchase.

6 out of 10 retailers run lead acquisition campaigns on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
48% of the total leads were acquired
in just a few days.

Tip Use exit intent popups on Black Friday and Cyber Monday to acquire abandoning visitors
that didn’t make a purchase.

Highlight Subscribe to unlock offers
1 in 4 online retailers asked visitors to subscribe
to their newsletter to unlock a promo code
or to see the offers with an average
3.54% conversion rate.

newsletter subscription popup for Black Friday
Launch exit intent popups to convert abandoning visitors to subscribers.

B. Cart Abandonment Campaigns

reduce cart abandonment

B. Cart Abandonment Campaigns

reduce cart abandonment

retailers 4/5

4 in 5 online retailers

run cart abandonment campaigns
Average Conversion Rate
1 %
cart abandonment popup for Black Friday

Tip: Add a countdown timer on your cart abandonment popup to create urgency and increase conversion rate.

Cart abandonment countdown
Launch a cart abandonment popup in minutes with Socital.
Use our countdown timer template to increase conversion rate.

C. Promotional onsite campaigns

Increase seasonal sales

C. Promotional onsite campaigns

Increase seasonal sales

retailers 2/5

2 in 5 online retailers

run promotional
onsite campaigns
Average Conversion Rate

a. Promote deals

Sitewide popups promoting BFCM deals
had an average 20.73% conversion rate.

promote offer popup

Tip Promote your deals with a sitewide popup no matter where incoming visitors land on your website.

b. Cross-sell campaigns

Only 5% of online retailers run onsite cross-selling campaigns with an average 7.61% conversion rate.

Black Friday cross-sell onsite campaigns

Tip Create cross-selling campaigns for your most popular product categories.

Promote your seasonal offers with a simple popup. No coding needed!
See how you can create
your first welcome offer campaign
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